I started this blog many moons ago and it has seen me through many difficult and magical times. I have always enjoyed reading any comments and appreciate everything it has done for me. Now, though, I feel it is time to move on. I regularly write for Linked In and am about to set up a new blog with Wordpress, but this blog, bless it, is looking old and tired and it - like me - must be allowed to move on. Or be put out to grass.
Moving house and living by the sea, with five adorable grandchildren just a few streets away, and two more just a few miles up the road, plus the fact I have the part time job of my dreams as an Activities Co-Ordinator at a local residential home where I share my love of all thing creative, and leaving the Young Writer group almost a year ago ... I don't know... I just feel on the verge of a new era and unfortunately, this blog will no longer have a part to play in that.
Many thanks to all those that shared and read my incessant meanderings. This is not farewell forever; I am a writer and I will always find a way to get my thoughts out there. But it is the setting of the sun on a valuable experience.
Many thanks.