I have just spent a most pleasant hour designing and printing off all the certificates for my Young Writers following the Mother's Day Poetry competition. Certificates are very important in the Young Writer's Group because it is the Certificate Trail that gives them something to work to. Most of the members have already been awarded at least four but I wanted these to be a little different because it was our first competition. Trawled the web looking for certificate templates I could download and use but gave up because none of them had that personal touch. Most appear to have been designed for schools. So I went back to my original template, tweaked it, found some lovely Geo paper and personalised each one with the entrant's name in lovely Edwardian Script. I feel quite proud. As much as I'd love to be artistic as well as Wordy, even I have to admit defeat sometimes. On this occasion though I am celebrating because I have come up with some damn nice certificates that my Young Writers will be proud to receive and show.
Oh! Article Alert! I emailed The Article to the magazine the other day and am now waiting to see if they'll take it. Fingers crossed. At least the editor actuially asked to see it. Oh yes! And my Angry Letter - the one about Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's house - published in last week's Local Paper. Funny how seeing one's name in print never ceases to awe. I am sooooo lucky to have seen mine so often. Yet it is something one never tires of. Almost addictive.
Lovely day at Neice's wedding last Saturday. The sun shone all day and she, of course (and I admit I am biased) looked absolutely beautiful. Even my darling old mum made it to the service which was a relief as she is not in the best of health and hasn't been for some time. But she absolutely sparkled and Neice was thrilled to bits to see her. Lively reception - lots of food and dancing - highlighted when Neice leapt into New Hubby's arms Dirty Dancing Style during "Time Of Your Life" eliciting thunderous applause from everyone present. It is true - everyone loves a good wedding, and this was certainly a very good one. Couldn't be happier it all went so well for them.
New job also going well. I am getting more confident by the day. That's it for now. Goodnight and Good Writing xx
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