I totally surprised myself today when I started the next chapter of The Epic and it totally ran away from me! It seems there is some secret telepathic bond between my pen and the notebook, to which I am not privy. Do other writers find this? My pen is creating unbelievable sentences and paragraphs which actually have a life of their own - and which have a quality to them that I cannot, in all honesty, say I recognise as mine. So where are they coming from? When I first began this story, I had no idea where it would take me (and I still don't) or how long it would be (and I still don't). But I do know this first 12,000 words plus are Part One. What will happen when we get to Part Two and beyond is anyone's guess. It feels a bit like it did when I read the first Harry Potter book (before it became the phenomenon it has I am rather proud to say). I didn't have a clue where that would lead me either - but I know that several years later I queued at W H Smith's at midnight in order to catch the first hard back copies of The Deathly Hallows when it was launched. Maybe next time I queue at midnight outside W H Smith's it will be for the launch of my Epic? Hey - why not? I walked into Foyles in London just after my first Yucketypoo book was published and came out with a copy of it clutched tightly in my mitt (and a very stupid grin all over my face!) - so stranger things have happened!
I love being a writer, you know. I mean just in case you haven't guessed yet. Even when my pen (and my creative juices) dry up and I get all cross and frustrated - I still love it. It truly is my passion. I can talk for hours - not specifically about my work - just about Writing. To me it is the very essence of me and all that I hold precious. And if I can share that and help others to feel that magic, then I will do so with all my heart until my last dying breath! Okay I never made it big. Nobody has ever heard of me (although I was once asked for my autograph which was quite an experience). I have never - or probably ever will - reached the dizzying heights of J K Rowling, Philip Pullman or Stephen King. But you know what? I am honestly rather pleased about that. Because it means I have time to engage in my dream. I never said I was a famous writer. Just a Writer!
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