Sunday, 5 January 2014

Oh Boy ... !!

Hello!  I am in such a good place right now!  The Study Swap is completely done (I still have some sorting out to do but I am in), I have just been given the go-ahead to re-launch the Young Writers (, I have done a bonus session with young Michael with another one scheduled for tomorrow evening (although that will be the very last one, I think), I am within an inch of publishing The Book, I have my new Year Book and I am utterly fired up!  I have written so many new poems over the last few weeks and I am itching to get back to The Epic.

Believe me, I have big, HUGE, G I N O R M O U S plans for 2014.  I love where my desk is now.  I am right in front of the window (where the rain is pattering away - again), I have my nephew's CD playing softly in the background (he was quite a big singing star as a little boy and sometimes I still like to hear his beautiful voice as it was in those days) and I am teeming with ideas and enthusiasm.  I hope this lasts.  It is a Writer's High matched only by seeing one's name in print.

Went to visit my old mum today, bless her.  She was in good spirits and we had a nice visit.  I never stay more than a couple of hours because she just gets so whacked out.  She had her 83rd birthday on 27th December and the whole family turned up to help her celebrate. It was brilliant but she was completely exhausted by the end of the day.  When I was 16, I got my first acceptance letter from a magazine who had taken an article and commissioned a second one.  It was the letter I had waited my entire childhood for and on that day, when it arrived, I ran sobbing into my Mum's arms I was so overjoyed to have finally made it. We talked about that momentous occasion today and I just have to say a huge thanks to her.  She has always encouraged me in my writing endeavors, supported me through many a rejection and shared in my joy at publishing another piece.  When my first Yucketypoo book was published she was as over the moon as if she had written it herself.  Naturally, since meeting Steve, I have found another cheerleader and my grandchildren think having a writer for a gran is the coolest thing on earth.

Maybe its is because things have got back to normal - Christmas is back in the loft, everyone is back at work - but I just feel so incredibly thankful for everything.  My life is amazing.  My life as a writer even more so.  And I have my blogs.  What more can I ask?

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