Monday, 13 April 2015

Love This Writing Life!

Had an excellent Young Writer session on Saturday  (I don't mean to be repetitive but most of the sessions are excellent) and came away as fired up as the children!  We were looking at play-writing - something we have not tackled before.  I put together an information sheet (one day I will put all these sheets into a book and call it The Young Writer's Handbook)  and, because the group was quite small, we all worked together to come up with a play.  It was a resounding success - take a look at the AYW blog ( to find out more about what they came up with.  Suffice it to say that the pride on their faces when they realised what they'd done was worth a year's salary from the Day Job and they went home in a glow of achievement!  As well they should.

The Epic and I remain constant buddies.  I write whenever I can.  I have reacquainted myself with the characters - and already invented some new ones!  So very pleased with how that is going.

The Book is still selling well.  Don't know how well it is doing on Amazon and Kindle but my Steve and I are finding people who buy direct from us - which is pretty helpful because it gives us a good idea of how things are going.  Don't forget - if you know of a Craft Fair, Summer Fete or Spring Bazaar going on in or near the Croydon area, let me know.  When I used to do such events with the Yucketypoo books, they always sold well, so the power of Local must not go under-estimated!

Better go for now - but if you are very very good - I might even put a sample of The Epic into my next blog ...

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