So much has gone on since my last Post! The Young Writers got off to a flying start after the summer break with seven turning up for the first session and ten for the second. Their new book Word Magic 2 is taking shape. Be interesting to see how this Saturday's session goes! The old house was finally sold after several hiccups and the new house is just thriving! We get on well with our immediate neighbours, the house itself is straight and looking lovely - very comfortable - a proper home! Such a relief after months and months of boxes! I think I can honestly say that we are very very happy. And everyone who has thus far visited The Gallop has fallen in love with it at first sight. We are very lucky.
The only thing flagging is my Writing. I don't think it has fully recovered yet from all the disruptions of the past few months. The ideas are still there and the poems are still coming - but anything beyond that just isn't happening. I was kind of hoping to get back to The Epic - or to at least have a new children's book underway by now but - nothing, zilch, zero. I am not worrying too much. I know it will come back eventually. But it is a tad frustrating to never leave the starting block as I am sure all fellow writers will completely understand!
So let me tell you about my latest reading matter instead. It is the first in Jodi Taylor's The Chronicles of St Mary's. It sounds rather like an Enid Blyton book doesn't it - First Term At Mallory Towers, for example! But really, you couldn't get further from the truth! The first volume is entitled Just One Damned Thing After Another and tells the story of the time-hopping historians at St Mary's Institute of Historical Research - and in particular one Madeleine Maxwell, fondly known as Max. There are three other books so far A Symphony of Echoes, A Second Chance and A Trail Through Time. Despite the fact this first book has some deeply disturbing moments - horses burning to death on The Somme as The Historians 'observe, take notes and do not get involved', for example, it is mainly incredibly funny stuff and has had me, on occasion, howling with laughter! It is one of those lovely simple concepts. Who amongst us has not found themselves caught up in a fascinating tale on a visit to an historical site somewhere and not thought I wonder what it was really like? So I highly recommend Jodi's books, albeit I am only half way through the first one, and would not be the east bit surprised if they pop up on our TVs at some point as a mini-series, they are that good!
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